Living Frugal in Mexico & USA

Married Couple that likes to travel but husband does not like to spend a lot of money.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

A full week at work

My pet's, Mr. Grey, Mr. Green and Spot. Mr. Green and Spot live here on their own, they have choisen to live in my kitchen. I have tried to remove them but they always return, so they live in my plants, and eat any bugs that I don't want.
Mr. Grey on the other hand, does not keep up his part of the bargan of being able to live in the house. Our mouse traps have cought more house mice than he has. Oh he is a good hunter, as long as his prey lives outside, house mice seem to be below him. As you can see by the picture he has his own door. He has never had a cat box in the house and has never made that kind of a mess in the house. We have had him all his life, he is 15 this year, we will contune to let him live with us, and love him as much as he loves us. He must love us as he puts up with a lot of "fun and games" from my husband.
Wish the picture of Mr. Green was better, as he is all green with no other markings. Some people think it's very strange that we have frogs in the house. Mr. Green has lived in the house for a long time this is the first year for Spot.
This was my first full week at work in a month, I don't have any scheduled days off next month. Felt strange to work all week, going to be hard this next month not to have any days off, oh well in Nov. I will be quiting for good anyway.


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