Living Frugal in Mexico & USA

Married Couple that likes to travel but husband does not like to spend a lot of money.

Monday, October 31, 2011

October 22, 2011

We are getting ready to head south, back to San Blas, for the winter.

This year we are going to drive down. We put new brake pads on the rear wheels. I have been complaining for two years (or more) about the screeching sound they have been making. He couldn’t hear it so he didn’t think they needed replaced. There is no more screeching now that he has replaced them. But we discovered that we need to replace the struts, which I have ordered, they will be here Monday or Tuesday.  Brake pads $34.00, struts $125.00.

We have ordered new eye glasses. We went to America’s Best for the prescriptions.  It was $69.95 for the exams and two pair of glasses. We both decided to get one pare for normal vision and one for reading.  The first frames I picked out needed $132.00 for the lenses. I picked out two different frames so I wouldn’t have to pay the extra cost.

We were called and told our glasses were ready, but when we got there to pick them up his was what he ordered and mine were the frames with the extra cost. I told them this was not the pare I ordered. They said the ones I ordered would be in the next day. Then when we got home they called me and said that the ones that I tried one where the ones they wanted me to have and they were going to wave the extra cost for the lenses as the was the updated lenses that I needed.. They sent them to me fed-ex.

In the meantime I have ordered glasses on-line with all the extras I need. My glasses are $55.00 and his is $35.00. The reading glasses I got from America’s Best will be great for reading and using the computer.

We wanted to leave by the first of Nov but I don’t think his glasses will be here until the 4th or the 11th.

Another thing we like to have done before we leave is to have the rugs shampooed. I was shampooing them after we got home this year and my old rug shampooer died. We did a lot of looking for a better one and found a Hoover for $109.00. I have one more room to do. There are some areas on the rugs that I have done that I want to do again, heavy traffic areas.

We have a new back porch out the utility room; it’s a great place to watch the sunset. The cats also have a new door in the same room. They now have two doors but only one of them has learned to use the new one.    

We still have to get Mexican car insurance. He is still looking into what all we need for that, but right now it looks like we will be paying $11.00 a month for that. Again that’s what it looks like; we will learn more about that later.

We also rocked our driveways this year which was $490.00, for 3 loads of rock, less then we have paid before.


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