Living Frugal in Mexico & USA

Married Couple that likes to travel but husband does not like to spend a lot of money.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

January 16, 2009 Friday viernes
I slept in this morning, must have been tired after yesterday. I let Larry go to Tai Chi class by himself as he was having some problems with some of the movements. I felt he needed some one on one instruction. He did say he had a great class, which Ron really worked on what he was having problems with. No class tomorrow so I will not have had a class for 3 days.

Larry went for a ride to the beach. I stayed in the bungalow to get some work done. When he came back he said that Ann was on her way here. Doug was still sick and she needed to get out for a while. It was fun to have someone visit with us here.

We had a hard time deciding what we were going to do for lunch. I ended up making a sandwich for both of us. We needed to use the last of the ham we had bought anyway.

Late afternoon we went to visit with Ann and Doug. Doug was feeling better so we walked down to the plaza and talked there for a while before getting some tortas to take back to their hotel to eat.

Time slipped by so fast that when we left the hotel it was time to go to the plaza to visit with our friends there. This is the second time we had our bikes at the plaza and the first time I was in shorts and sleeveless top that late at night.

Our first bill for the network we are on for the internet came today, with startup costs our share was 375 pesos. We were told that from now on it should be less than 200 pesos a month. We think it’s a good deal.

We are a little over budget for the day again today but still within our monthly total. We spent around 400 pesos for the day, less than $40.00 US


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