Living Frugal in Mexico & USA

Married Couple that likes to travel but husband does not like to spend a lot of money.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Oct. 31 2011
On the 26th we got a phone call from our renter stating that they were not getting any water. Larry went up to change the points (witch is the first thing that goes wrong) but that did not fix the problem. We then went to Salem to get a new control box, but that did not fix the problem eather. Control box $80.

This means we must now pull the pump out of the well and check the wiring and the pump. This is a deep well, 250 feet. Its 34 years old, no telling what we will find.

Our neighbors came to help us on Saturday and Sunday. Today (Monday) we went to town to get a new pump, pipe, and everything else we will need to replace and fix what was broken. Yet tonight as I write this I know I will be making more trips to the city to get things that we did not know we needed or that what we did get was the wrong part. So far we have paid $500.00 to fix the well so our renter will have water.

We are now in hopes that we will head south to San Blas on the 8th.


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