Living Frugal in Mexico & USA

Married Couple that likes to travel but husband does not like to spend a lot of money.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Plannig our next trip in the USA

It's going to be a week. We will be traveling to Idaho for a wedding. We are taking our tent, small camp stove, coffee pot, sleeping bags, air mattress, and a few other small camping needs. I will have a nice outfit for the wedding, the rest of my clothing will fit in my day pack.
The most expence part of this trip will be the gas for my car. We will check the oil, water and air in the tires before we leave to make sure the car is in good shape for this trip. Don't want any suprises down the road.
We will be eating out, we don't cook much in camp but need our morning coffee.
We have started getting everthing togather, it's still 3 days away before we leave.
We have been on line checking out camp grounds along the way. We don't make resevations at the camp grounds as we want to be flexable as to were we will be staying.
I am in hopes that most of the campgrounds will have yerts. Even with our air mattress the ground is hard.

Sunday, July 30, 2006


One of our camp sites in Hawaii
This one did not cost anything. But you do need to get a permit.
The state camp did have restrooms and a cold outside shower.

Camping is not allowed at public campsites on two days of the week.

We were able to find another private camp ground that charged $5 a night. They also had Yerts, (don't know the charge) if you don't tent camp.

The private camp site had hot showers.

This picture of the shower is the hot shower.

The total cost of this trip was less than $2000. including air fair. The airlines we used was Sun Travel. they have a web site. They also have flights to Mexico.

Plannig our next trip

We are going to Mexico in Dec. I have already purchased the plane tickets as I am sure that the prices will be much higher the closer to the date we will be leaving.
We have looked and are still looking at the different places we will be traveling to. We are planing on finding a place to stay for a month, using that as our base and touring out in differant directions. I will post prices for each place we stay.
We do not use the best hotels, as we are not goning to stay in a hotel room all the time, so the room will not be the center of our activeys.
We want to use most of our time expolring the out of the way places, hidden from most tourest.
We camp, we may camp a lot on this trip, it all depends on the prices of places to stay.

Saturday, July 29, 2006



We have made several trips to Mexico.
Baja and the east side of the main land.
I have not been able to post pictures yet, still working on learning how to do that.
We do a lot of camping on our trips which helps to keep the cost down.
1996-97 we went with the Green Totroise on their Gold Coast Loop. Which was the main land and Baja for 16 days.
The Green Totroise is a tour bus unlike any you may have travled before.
You sleep on the bus, in your sleeping bag, most of the time. You help with the food you eat or you wash up after the meal.
Some of the time is spent eather camping or in a hotel, eating on your own, but most of the meals and nights are spent with the group that is on the bus.
We have enjoyed the time we have triveled with Green Totroise. Check them out as they also have a tour in Costa Rica, which we also did and had a great time.
You must remmeber that you will be camping some of the time and sleeping on the bus some of the time. Showers are not going to happen every day.
We have enjoyed all our trips with the Green Totroise but now we are going to go out on our own. We are looking forward to this new adveture, will try to keep our trip posted along with costs of or next trip.
We try to travel as cheap as possible. We spent a week in Hawaii in 1988 for $1000. This was the total cost of our trip including airfare and one day car rental.
We had three nights in a hotel, the rest of the week was at a bed & beakfest. At that time the bed and breakfest was a good cheap way to go.
In 1990, we spent two weeks in Hawaii for $2000. We toured two islands. We spent the second week with friends so we did not have to pay for a hotel.

In 1996 we went to Hawaii for two weeks. The first week we were with friends that had a time shair condo. We paid for half of all expences we had with them. The second week we were on our own on a differant Island and spent less. Again this year we spent less than $3000 for the trip.
Our last vacation to Hawaii, one island one week, less that $2000. We camped, tent, the first three nights camp was free (cold showers). You can't tent camp all week at the county parks. So two nights we camped at a private camp ground for $5 a night. Which included hot showers.