Living Frugal in Mexico & USA

Married Couple that likes to travel but husband does not like to spend a lot of money.

Sunday, October 29, 2006


I have three days of work left. I have this week off, work three days next week, then I have the rest of my life to do whatever I want to.
I am so excited, I don't know how else to say it.
We are going (as I have said before) to Mexico, so hard to wait.

Saturday, October 28, 2006


Retirement is so close. I have the next ten days off then I work 3 days, then no more. No more getting up at 5 am to get ready for work. No more telling others what they have to do at work. No more, no more. Ok so I know that I am going to miss it. I truly think I am going to miss the people I work with more than the job.
So I have the next ten days off, work 3, then in two weeks we are off for Mexico. We will be in Mexico for three Months. The first month we are spending in Chacala. We will be going to many differant places in that area. Right now I am not sure were we will go or what we will see first.
I have heard so much about Chacala and the people that live there I want just to take in all in at first.
I will try and add to this blog when ever I can adding to it the cost of the differant places we will stay.
Being gone as long as we will be we have found house setter for our home. We have beef cattle, and a cat that needs to be seen to. He will be staying in our home. His Dad is our renter, we will drop his rent $50 a month for him to care for our place.

Monday, October 23, 2006


I have 7 working days left before I take my early retirement. While I am excided at not working I am worried about the change in my income.
I will be getting less than half of what I am getting now, and we will be without health insurance until we can get medacare, which is 4 or 5 years from now.
We have so many plans on were our income will be comming from, right now they are still up in the air, so much depends on to many differant laws.
The county has said we can devide our land into 5 acre parcles but now the state has to agree with that dissasion.
I own the land but I can't do with it as I want to? How wrong is that? Makes me feel like I don't really own the land, but what I paid for it is really just a lease from the state. And who said that they owned the land anyway.
Who really should say that they own the land they live on, should it be who ever was her first? but who knows? When I am gone I will not know who has taken my place in taking care of this land. All I can hope for is that they will take care of it.
Wow I really don't know were that all came from.
I work for 4 days this next week, I have the next week off, then 3 days and I get to retire.
Then Dec. 1st we leave for Mexico.
I have a person that will be staying in our home for the 3 months we will be gone.
It's exciting yet somewhat scarry, our income will be less.
I know that my husband will make sure we will get along ok.

Friday, October 20, 2006


The rain seems to have started here in Oregon. I know we joke about it raining all the time, we rust instead of tanning, and the sun is a UFO we see now and then. This summer while not a real hot one, or so it seems,(I work inside with no windows and air), has been void of the rain. The end of August is when it should have started. In this area I still have tomato plants, with tomatoes as we have not had a frost.
Ah, but with the rain comes my desire to head south.
I have this week off, work next week, the next week off, work three day of the next one and I am done.
I wanted to adjust to not having to get up early, so it wouldn't be a hard adjustment. Ok so that sounds good, I am a short timmer and taking advantage of it.
My car, I am still not trusting. I haven't had any real bad problems with it but we put in a new guage that tells me what volts I have. I get worried when it dropes to 13.1 volts. I hate the idot lights but may be I should take this new gauge out and just drive. I won't play my radio or anything that takes volts. Oh well!!!
Our trip to Mexico is so comming togather. We have someone to stay here at our home for the three months we will be gone. The airfare and the first months rent in is taken care of.
We found a place in Chacala for $360, for the month of Dec. Dec. is a peak time in Mexico. I feel very lucky to have found this place at this price.
We have not decided just were we will go when we leave Chacala. I know we have a lot of ideas.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Car Fixed ?

After my last break-down I was scared to take my car back out on the road. But I took it out, after I finnely got my husband to say he had fixed it, and everthing seems to be ok. I drove it to work all this week and haven't had any problems.
All he had to do was tighten the new belts he had just put on.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

More Car Problems

Yesterday on my way to work, I had warning lights come on, but I made it to work and back home.
Today on my way to work the lights came on, flashed a lot, then one mile from work the car died. I was able to get off the road and call my husband to come and get me, or take me to work.
I was able to get off early so I could go home and help get my car back home.
We got it started and off I went for home but, it died a mile from home. We decided to bring the battery home and charge it as there was not any good wide places from were the car was to home.
The new battery charger was not working and had a bad smell comming out of it. I had to go to town 15 miles away and return the charger he had just bought and get a better one. Sometimes the cheap way is not the best way.
We got the battery charged high enough to get my car started and back home.
6:00 a.m. left for work.
6:10 a.m. car died.
1:00 p.m. left work to help with car.
1:15 p.m. car died.
6:00 p.m. left home to get car, again.
6:15 p.m. car back home.
Now my husband has a lot to do to find out what is wrong and get it fixed.
New battery charger $27.00

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Car problems

Friday I started off for work. The fan belt in my car made it's usuale bad squeaking noise as I left the driveway. I turned onto the hiway, the noise stopped, but then what I heard was the sound of it breaking. I was able to get my car of the hi-way. Luckly I was only 30 feet down the hi-way from the road we lived on. Now this was at 6:00 a.m. and still dark. I walked back to the road, and our driveway. Our driveway is long, about 1/4 of a mile to our home.
Larry was up, all he had to do was get dressed so he could take me to work. Somehow we managed to get me to work before I was late. Were I work there is no excuse for being late. You can be late for work 14 times then you are fired, in one years time. I have been late once this year, twice in the last 10 years.
Larry got my car home ok and the new belts bought. One broke, the other one was in bad shape so he decided to replace both.
Saturday, I took his pickup to work, as the car was not yet fixed. I locked the pickup, then when I was going home the key would not open the door. I called Larry but he did not hear the phone so I called a friend and she came to get me and take me home. Sometime during the night I realized I was trying to get into the pickup with the wrong key. I keep the spair key to my car in my purse and had grabed it instead of the key for the pickup.
Sunday we were able to get the pickup home, and Larry got both the belts on my car. I did a test drive and everything worked.
Monday, I had to go to the doctor, I got 5 miles down the road and my car died. This time I had remebered to take my cell phone with me. Called Larry, he came and took me to the doctor. We then tried to start my car, it did start and I was able to drive it home but just made it home before it died again.
This time it was the battery cables. He was able to fix it before the end of the day. Seems to be running fine now.
Cost for fixing the car was under $100. as Larry does all the work himself.
Our trip to Mexico is comming togather. We will be spending the first month in Chacala. We were able to find a place with the help of Andee (she lives in Chacala) at a good rate, $360 for the month of Dec. Dec. is a peak time for vistors in Chacala. We feel very lucky to get a place to stay.