Living Frugal in Mexico & USA

Married Couple that likes to travel but husband does not like to spend a lot of money.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


We had our second county hearing on our land, measure 37, to be able to sell 5 acre lots. The county passed it ok. So now we have to go to the State and ask permission to sell our land in 5 acre lots. Thought it was our land, and we should be able to do with it what we want. Oh well we will jump through their hoops (again) and do what we must to get the state to say it's ok.
Right now it's farm and/or forest land. We raise beef cattle, and have planted fir trees, but it really is not good for planting farm crops.
In the 40's there was a limestone quary here. Most of the top soil has been scraped off to find more limestone.
So we have limestone and a good supply of water. We have a well that gives us 180+ gallons a minute. Should we be able to sell 5 acre lots we should also be able to supply water to those homes. The limestone -- I have no idea of what we can do with it, at this time.
I love my home, I love Oregon (in the summer time) but this was to be my husbands retirement. Now we have to wait ans see what the state will say about our land.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

New computer

I have my new "Dell" computer, it is so nice to have everything working. Right after my new one arrived and I got it all set up, I set up the old one so I could copy files to the new one. The keyboard no longer works. I havent tried a differant keyboard to see if a new one would work as the mouse and the keyboard were working off the mother board, I think it has something to do this the mother board. The old computer was a "E-Machine" I got it in 2000, so it was 6 years old.
We have decided that when we go to Mexico in December we are going to stay at a place for 1 month. We are looking for a place no more than $350 a month. We know that December is a high peak month. Meaning places to rent cost more. I have seen some places in Chacala that rent for $300 a month, you have a kitchen, bath, patio, and bed. Some have a view of the beach, sounds so good.
I hope to find a place in Chacala, from what we have read about Chacala it sounds like a place we are looking for.
Another town we are looking into is La Penita, which is south of Chacala. It is a much larger city. I am going to try to rent a place in Chacala first.

Friday, September 22, 2006

counting the days

I have started counting the days until my last day at work. I have two differant counts, 50 actual days, 28 working days. Thats 7 weeks, sort of, I am taking 2 weeks off, but still counting them as working days.
I am so looking forward to not working, I know that I will have less stress.
We are going to the doctor for our checkups. When I retire I will no longer have health insurance, so we are trying to make sure our health is in good order, it will be 5 years before we can get medacare. I am kind of scared about that but I am putting my trust in my husband, I know he will take care of me. Should something happen he will find a way, after all I will be bringing in more money than he, so he needs to take care of me.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

New computer

New computer, new mouse, hope to be able to post new blogs.
after I received my new computer, I tried to set up the old one to work off line. mouse has died, but stell works, sometimes, and now the keyboard has died.

all the new ones work but any of the down loads of my progams seem to not be able to down loade at this time.
I will comtune to work a getting this to work.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

New computer

I have given up and have ordered a new computer. $900. Larry (my hubby) would be upset about the new computer exepct he is having the same problems with this one as I am having. The mouse is dying. The problem he will have is the cost, Larry will look at the cost of anything before he buys it and will go without it for as long as he can.
Everyone at work thinks its a big joke, they think I should call a vet to take it out of its misery. I work with a bunch of jokesters.
I realized this week that I am retired, or that my PERS pention started the first of this month, which means I am retired from working for a school district. The only reason I am still working at my current job is for the health insurance. My last day at this job will be Nov. 11. It is so hard to keep going to work.
As I said in my last post we had to buy a new sepict tank for our rental, he was going to hand dig out the old one. One of our neighbors, came to our resecue (again) and knows someone who has the equepment to dig it out at a low cost to us. Thank you Denny, as I thhink it would be too much for Larry to dig it out. Larry has agreed and thinks that it will be better to pay someone to do it. He is not as young as he was when we first movied here 30 years ago.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Sept. 5th expences

Not a good day.
We have a second house with a renter.
We had to purchase stuff to put on the roof to pervent leaks today. Normal expances for upkeep of a home. We also had to purchase a new secptic tank. The old one has a leak. Lary has been trying to fix the leak all summer and has fimmaly decided that it can't be fixed, we need to replace. The old tank is almost 30 years old, and I think someone (a renter) drove over it and broke it.
So we spent $1000.00 on our rental today.
Could have bought my new computer. My computer is dying. Last week I had to get a new video card for it as it died. I have a great picture now but,now my mouse does not work all of the time. I have a hard time remebering how to use my computer without the mouse and my husband has no idea how to use it without the mouse.
The rental's expance for this month is above $1000.00, as the labor for a new septic tank to be installed is not included. Oh and the rent we get for the home is $550.00.
We also need to get rock for the roads, ----
It just seems to go on and on, should have named this "cost of living in Oregon",

Sunday, September 03, 2006

A full week at work

My pet's, Mr. Grey, Mr. Green and Spot. Mr. Green and Spot live here on their own, they have choisen to live in my kitchen. I have tried to remove them but they always return, so they live in my plants, and eat any bugs that I don't want.
Mr. Grey on the other hand, does not keep up his part of the bargan of being able to live in the house. Our mouse traps have cought more house mice than he has. Oh he is a good hunter, as long as his prey lives outside, house mice seem to be below him. As you can see by the picture he has his own door. He has never had a cat box in the house and has never made that kind of a mess in the house. We have had him all his life, he is 15 this year, we will contune to let him live with us, and love him as much as he loves us. He must love us as he puts up with a lot of "fun and games" from my husband.
Wish the picture of Mr. Green was better, as he is all green with no other markings. Some people think it's very strange that we have frogs in the house. Mr. Green has lived in the house for a long time this is the first year for Spot.
This was my first full week at work in a month, I don't have any scheduled days off next month. Felt strange to work all week, going to be hard this next month not to have any days off, oh well in Nov. I will be quiting for good anyway.